Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Easter!
So I'm back to "normal" if you can call it that. We had a great long-weekend visit in White Rock with my parents and family, and Daryl is now back in Toronto. Fletcher and I are alone again, with the fish. sniff sniff.

However, we were left with quite the task. On April 1st we decided to do some red-neck gardening by pulling out the juniper bushes in front of our house by tying them to the truck and backing away. Who know this would work! With the neighbours all watching we pulled, one by one, the 4 huge bushes from the front mound of death (as I called it). This is what we are left with!

So, this week I will be turning the soil, which is mostly sand, and mixing in some good earth and laying some sod. I have lots of plants from my mom's garden that she didn't want to leave behind...so I'm slowly developing a green thumb!

The mini is for sale. Daryl and I have decided that it is time, as we just don't have the time, patience or skill (read: money) to do the things we need to for this little beast. Spud has been a great member of our family for 5 years now, and he will be missed. But I know that someday I will have another...one that is safe to drive on the roads!

On Sunday we were at my cousin's home for dinner, and the meal was amazing! Vince (yes, I have a cousin Vinny) is the operations manager at Mountain View Conservation and Fletcher decided to get a closer sniff of a Moor Gazelle. This may look like a deer to the lay-person, but in fact there are only about 300 left in the world, and none in the wild. Vince has hand raised many of the exotic animals on the farm, and is just amazing with all of them. If you happen to be in Langley you MUST stop in for a tour, the animals you see will blow your mind!
I'm starting a fund raising project for Mountain View by hand carving designs into the ostrich eggs that are collected. When I complete my first one I'll post a photo. I hope to sell these at the farmer's market and other locations in the Loops.

I've also found what I would like the front entrance to our home to look like. Right now we have plywood and grout...but someday it will be magnificent!

Oh, and the truck is sold

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