Friday, April 20, 2007

I've got a fever of 103!
Aren't those lyrics to a song? Am I hearing voices again? On Wednesday I was as close to death as I've been in a very long time...weeks even. I was having amazing hallucinations of these rainbow, coloured waves dancing across my would have been really beautiful if I wasn't so nauseated. I'm back to work today, shouldn't be but decided to show my face. One co-worker said I looked awful as I walked in the door. Thanks, I feel freakin' sh*#y!
I have over 100 e-mails that I'm making my way through slowly, and it's budget time, so I'm suppose to be concentrating on numbers and spreadsheets. I can't see straight, how am I suppose to think straight?
Daryl is in Missississippippi for Matt's wedding and is having a blast. They went climbing yesterday, saw an amazing waterfall, drove past Graceland, and is eating lots of coon-hash and ribs. I think today they are going "noodling" where you stick your hand in a swamp hole looking for a cat-fish and wait for it to bite down. Sounds like a BLAST to me! Freaks.
Back to work...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go home freak! You could be boiling your brain!