Peace & Blessings All 'Round
Today, we celebrated Gabrielle's baptism with family and friends from Kamloops and Kelowna and it was such a wonderful day. Gabrielle's god-parents, the Nickels, came in last night from K-town with their two amazing kids, Danielle (aka the baby-whisperer) and Jarrid who I feel love Gabrielle almost as much as we do! My parents were there, along with Twyla, Gil, Shannon & the kids from K-town as well. Our wonderful neighbours joined us too, and a great family friend, Danielle, came to the church to watch our little angel make this right-of-passage.
She wore the Christening gown that I wore 32 years ago, and looks like a little angel. She acted like one too. She was so peaceful and quiet through the service, and when we went up for her actually Baptism and the Minister took her - I thought again - her we go. I, along with everyone there, was amazed, as she glanced up at him, pensively, and just looked at him as he proceeded to Baptise her. During his presentation to the community (walking around the church) she just smiled and glanced at everyone - we could not have asked for a more suiting baby. She really was an angel.
Afterwards, we came back home and had a delicious lunch and cake. My mom baked a ham, and I made salads and plates of yummies. It was all so good, we are now paying for it with the ache in the belly that comes from eating too much!
It was such a wonderful day, which ended so perfectly with a rainbow over the hills to the north. The higher power that watches over us all was certainly with us throughout this day. We are so blessed for our families and wonderful friends. I don't know where we would be without them. We send warm wishes to the members of our families that couldn't be with us, and our friends who sent us blessings. Thank you all.
I'm off to bed.
Oh, just some quick shots of Gabrielle playing with her new dolly from Tante-Nadia. We still have to come up with a name for her, so suggestions are welcome. I thought it was so cute how they were dressed the same. Mama didn't plan that at all...such a good baby....JPG)