Olympic Fever
What an amazing few weeks BC and Canada have been through...and we've tried our best to keep up. The 2010 winter Olympics have just ended (we watched the closing ceremonies while eating dinner in bed last night - a first for Gabrielle!) and although it is sad they are over - now I can finally get some stuff done. I feel like I've been doing nothing but watching and living the Olympics for the past month!
Gabrielle and Papa with Miga and Quachi at Papa's office! There are perks to being the boss!
Gabrielle found a Canadian friend to walk with!
Papa and Gabrielle...and a few thousand Canadians!
Future 4-person bob-sled team!
Mama, Gabrielle and wee-D at the cauldron..jpg)
Gabrielle hamming it up on stage at Canada's northern house. Only a few hundred people were watching her!
We've been down in Vancouver several times, as Daryl has been working an executive position for the last while and must be all prim and proper in the office. We had to go out and buy him some new dress shirts! So, Gabrielle, wee-D and I have taken advantage of this and tagged along to participate, in our limited capacity, with the Olympic spirit. I must say, it was exhilarating!
Although wee-D slept through most everything we did and saw, I think these games have made a lasting impression on Gabrielle. She can now easily identify a Canadian flag (hanging outside most cars these days, and off most buildings in the Vancouver area), and can read the word Canada on most articles of clothing. She can also say Olympics, and has informed us that she will be participating in the games, some day, and winning a gold medal...we think in hockey or some "jumping" sport. At this point, she calls every sport played on ice hockey, from curling to skating, someday she will be able to distinguish between them. We're focusing on getting our colours straight right now....jpg)
Finally, spring is in the air and we've been taking advantage by going for lots of nice walks around the neighbourhood. I have a crazy kid...in case you didn't know!.jpg)
The other one either sleeps or laughs!.jpg)