Wednesday, October 03, 2007

October Resolution
Alright...this is it. The return of the continually updated blog from the loops for all those who have put the unbearable pressure on me to continue. It's been a crazy summer which has progressed into fall without warning. Family has come and gone, some have stayed on...and there is the never-ending plethora of food.
Helene arrived from Australia last week, Nadia and the boys from Toronto were here for the weekend, and as you can imagine, it was a gong show beyond compare! We went to Adams River to watch the beginning of the annual salmon run. It was a little disappointing, as the numbers were one tenth what they were expecting this year...but we had fun, nonetheless.

We did some amazing day trips down Dead-Man Creek Road...Nadia, Mac and the chow thought they were going to be left behind...where some amazing wildlife was seen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos of your family Alex! I bet everyone was happy to be together! :) Happy October! M