Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The new addition to our family couldn't have come at a better time. Nothing makes me laugh more than the crazy antics of a drunk kitten! Ok, so she really isn't drunk, but she runs around like she's having fits and can't control her 4 legs at the same time. I've never had a cat (or kitten) and never really cared much for them as I am alergic, however, Stella is adorable. And the best part, Fletcher hasn't eaten her! They actually get along quite well. For those who don't know, Fletcher is the happiest dog in the world and never stops wagging his tail, unless he is peeing. Well, Stella thinks that this fuzzy, hypnotic sweeper is the greatest thing ever! She pounces and attacks and stalks...much to the dismay of the chow. He puts up with so much! I stayed home yesterday as I wasn't up for much and was very entertained by the two critters figuring out their place in the house.
We spent the weekend on the Shuswap at the cabin of Cheryl & Andy, and it was so beautiful. The Schmuelers were there...ok, so there is no hiding the fact that they are, in fact, the Schuelers...with the kids, and it was nice to see everyone. Fletcher spent all his time in the water, and I just sat on the dock and got some much needed vitamin D. I think I should try and convince my parents to buy a place out there to escape to. The only thing, we need a bigger boat, or a rule that we not try to out-run storms. The boat ride back to the marina was hell. Alica, Blake and Sherri were troopers as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hiya from the happy Schuelers...
Had a fantastic time at the cabin with you all - too bad about the stormy Sunday but by about 3 it was calmer to boat out... so nice to get out there. We should all get out there more often! Glad to hear Fletcher hasn't eaten STella yet. Enjoy the kitty! Talk to you soon, love from Ktown.