Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Time Flies...I'm banned from E-Bay
We're in the final stretch, so said the Dr at today's bi-weekly visit. All is going wonderfully - but I need to watch my sugar intake. I guess the Chai, 2 mini donuts and cookie I had before my appointment didn't go over well when he checked my glucose level. OOPS! I've been so good for so long! But all is well and judo-monkey is doing just great. Lots of movement; good, strong heart-rate, growing well and I feel fantastic!

I'm over 33 weeks now - with April looming ahead it seems like May is just around the corner!
I received a notification letter yesterday from our community association about the annual Juniper Ridge garage sale which is set for May 4. I laughed, and called Daryl and asked how we would manage to get around to all the homes when I would be due in a day!

"Do you think people will give us a discount on baby stuff?" I asked. He laughed...

And finally, I have received the last of my orders from e-bay. I did a talley and for all that you see here on our bed, I spent just over $300. Not bad at all...but we don't have enough room in the nursery to store it all!

Daryl wanted to know how many kids we were expecting! He keeps teasing that if monkey needs to be changed, we won't have to do laundry...ever...we can just keep putting a new outfit on!
I think I'll be listing a few things in a few months!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
For all those who are Irish for the day...drink a green beer for me!

Daryl and I were in Kelowna for the weekend as Twyla's 60th b-day just passed and we wanted to celebrate with her. We all went out for supper to the Wild Apple Grill and the food was marvelous! Although slightly ironic and a little disturbing as I was eating my "duck two ways" tapas, two mallard ducks came waddling up to the window were I was sitting (and eating). Were they looking for their off-spring? Oh dear...but I kept on eating! With delicious food and great company it was a wonderful evening.

Sunday morning we had a family breakfast with the whole clan coming over again, as well as Donna and Grant who knit judo-monkey a beautiful baby blanket and we received a gorgeous hand-knit winter outfit! I hope that it fits for next winter!

Photos to follow...just wanted to say hi to everyone! HI!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

8 Weeks is TOO SOON!
So, I'm not quite freaking out just yet...but at 32 weeks (which Daryl keeps reminding me is 3 weeks until full term!) I'm starting to feel the pressure! And the pressure is coming from both inside my head and inside my belly! Judo-monkey is growing like a weed - or so the books say - and with less room but just as much energy, I am constantly aware of the alien presence within. It's been fun lately listening with Daryl's stethoscope to the heart-beat and to the sounds of movement. I can't wait to meet this little person!

This past weekend Daryl and I volunteered at the 5th annual Popsicle stick bridge competition, held in connection with National Engineering Week. It was amazing to see the design and construction from kids as young as 6, who built bridges that withstood pressures of up to 1,600 lbs! Just amazing! Chow was upset that he could not be a judge and had to stay outside most of the time. But it was a nice he has nothing to complain about. He also got a piece of he was content.
This is a photo of the winning bridge from the elementary school competition...1,300 lbs! Her sister won the secondary school entry.
Sunday was a nice, relaxing day at home. Daryl started to work on the last of the hardwood floors - in the guest bathroom. Now that our new counter top is ordered, we can get that last project out of the way! The weather was crap, so most of the day was spent inside curled up by the was awesome!!

This morning's shot...

at 32 weeks and a day...SHOW ME THE MONKEY!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Two Months To Go!
So this morning I was shaking, crying and laughing at the same time. Judo-monkey is due (according to the Dr's calculations) in two short months! I was freaking out this morning, and this afternoon was reading on a web-site about what to pack for the hospital...I have to bring snacks for Daryl. Somehow that's all I seem to remember right now!

We start our prenatal classes in 3 weeks and I'm excited about that. There's only so much learning you can do on your own, and I usually end up falling asleep while reading all the books!

I had another regular Dr's appointment on Monday and all is right on track. Monkey's heart rate was elevated..."caffeine baby" he called it...170bpm - doing aerobics or something! Monkey kept on kicking the Dr while he was trying to measure my fundal height and check everything out. So far, so good! Head is down, but still time for flips - I'm not worried.

I still feel fantastic and have lots of energy. I've noticed that I can't bend in half to put my socks on, and I can't jump out of bed or off the couch as fast as I use to. Other than that...we're all good!