Monday, January 29, 2007

The Renos of the Guest Room
stripping the chair rail, finding 3 layers of wall paper
one of the layers was painted PINK!!
the paper slowly coming off
I think I made a mess
Finally clear of the hideous wall paperfirst coat of paint
looking pretty good!
Well I am happy to report that my trip to Vancouver this past weekend, despite the reason for it, was not the traumatic event that my last drive on the Coquihalla was. The roads on Thursday and Sunday were both dry, the sun was shining and the music blasting away. Of course I was singing!
The memorial service for Uncle Tony on Friday was really beautiful and opened my eyes and heart to a whole other side of him that I didn't know, unfortunately, until now.
I think the funniest thing of the weekend, though not at the time, was when 9 of us were leaving Dodie's apartment for the service on Friday, and we got stuck in the elevator. With 4 people claustrophobic, and 1 severely, my 2 cousins and I singing "I believe I can fly" to ease the tension and my dad just pushing buttons...we all knew that this was Tony's way of laughing at us, and telling us that he will always be there.

Monday, January 22, 2007

How come some Pedigree commercials make me cry?
Bargaining for Burritos!
For the past few weeks I've been eyeing a very unique chair that I thought would help with the void that is our empty living (aka trampoline) room. Over the span of about 2 months, I've watched as this chair, that I've sympathetically called mine, move from one location in the store to another, watched as the price drops but much too slowly, and never reaching the give-away price that I've been hoping for.

Today, I found out that I would be receiving some long forgotten payment for some free-lance work that I did last September! So, belated Christmas bonus...I went to see how my chair was! It was still there, waiting patiently for me...begging to be taken home!

Amazingly, I bargained with the assistant manager and negotiated the price of my chair to down almost half of what the most recent price tag read.

So, below is the photo of my new chair...not in the trampoline room, but in front of the fire place, where I will snuggle with the warming glow and read a good book!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Farewell Uncle TJ
Every once in a while, we receive one of those not-so-gentle reminders about the fragile nature of that precious gift called life. Earlier today, my Uncle Tony took on the journey into another world. Now he will feel no more pain, will not suffer, and can enjoy his cigarettes anywhere he pleases.
I can not imagine the loss that Auntie Dodie is feeling. All we can do is surround her with our love as she copes through her grief. My mom is heading to Dodie's now and will spend a few days with her, to help with the emptiness that would devour your world when your love departs.
I have many memories of my Uncle TJ. From being terrified of him as a young child, never wanting to be alone with him, to most recently laughing, debating and bantering about any topic that came to mind. He had a great wit and a unique sense of humour beneath that tough exterior, you only had to have the patience and determination to convince him you were worthy to be let inside. He once told me that he despised wasting his time talking to people without any he continued to talk to me then and every other meeting we had, I took that as a compliment.
I have a great deal of respect for any person who overcomes diversity and oppression. Uncle Tony was a very giving and creative man, who created wonderful videos of our family gatherings, including Daryl and my wedding in 2005. Uncle TJ will always hold a very special place in my heart, and I will miss him terribly.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Back in the CD rotation...From the bottom shelf

I found a CD tonight that I haven't listened to in...God, was I still at McGill the last time I heard it? Listening to the haunting sublime voice, the languid, weepingness of it... and droning guitar riffs of Mazzy Star. The songs magically transform the sadness into something beautiful, poignant and ultimately powerful. I was taken back to another place, another time in my life. It got me thinking, on so many levels. I still recall hearing 'Fade into you' so often on the local and college radio stations, and never figuring out at the time who the artist was. I remember being overwhelmed by the sadness in her voice, and not understanding half of the lyrics...but it didn't matter. The music and feeling I would get when listening to the albums were like nothing I've felt, then or ever since. It's hard to describe. If you can put yourself back into a local pub, sitting in the dimly lit, sticky floor, beer stench trying to drown your sorrows for some purpose that, at the time, meant the end. No need to wash the painkillers down with a bottle of wine today. Now, say 10 years later, I realize that the immediate moment didn't matter, but the feeling lasts a lifetime. There are some things that stick, some feelings that cling like gum in your hair. But its these gluey experiences that don't actually kill us but force us to be stronger, to stand up and be who we are suppose to be with intense emotions. Fate? Karma? Divine intervention? Whatever, I like the dreamy atmosphere in the room tonight. Tonight I dream, tonight I remember, tonight I am transported back. I find myself asleep while I'm awake, pondering lost loves and hazy afternoons in bed and intoxicated. I recall all the moments that ended, even though I never wanted them to...the moments I'd long since forgotten. The experience would be complete if it were a rainy day...I'm listening to a lullaby.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Cats Anyone?
So it seems that I've inherited two cats. I've been kitty sitting for what seems like FOREVER, and I think that Marci has actually been back in the Loops for over a week. No phone call. No attempt to come and claim her kitties. The dog is going bonkers, the cats are worried that I will lock them (unintentially, silly) in the basement or workshop, and I think littler boxes are the most disgusting thing EVER.

If something doesn't change, soon, I'm going to turn into the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons!
I wonder if cats can fly...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Now that the house is empty, the Chow can get some much needed rest, back in his own bed!

Snow Storm!

Chow, come inside quick! So...will we have another visit from the family in Toronto soon? We have snow...what about you?

Photos from Sun Peaks
These are a little late, but I've been busy!! Better late than never!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Kayaking Anyone?

My sister and brother-in-law from Oz are planning a trip to BC in the summer of 2007 and want to do some 'extreme' kayaking. Does anyone out there have any suggestions of guides, tours, locations?
I really have to start working overtime to take a week off!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Empty House...almost

Nadia and her brood have left the Loops, returning to a balmy 10C in Toronto. There is still no snow there, so they missed nothing! It was a great visit with my nephews who are amazing skiers, and just hanging out with family. My parents drove up on New Year's Day to spend some time too, so Fletcher and I will go through visitor withdrawal slowly.
Daryl is back to work in Toronto, and he too can't believe the weather. As he plans for an upcoming snowmobiling trek in Whistler we can only hope that the white stuff continues to fall.
The cats are still crazy with Delilah making a mad dash in her attempt to escape our home. She ran from the laundry room and immediately bee-lined for the garage. Fortunately, the overhead garage doors were closed, otherwise she would be one cold kitty! Colton coaxed her out from under the Mini with some treats and sweet promises of love. Back to the laundry room for you! Stella is a sweetie, comes when you call her, snuggles and isn't the royal pain that Delilah is! Thank God for laser pointers and replacement batteries!
Marci...when do you come back?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Congrat's to the Water Ratz (and Team POWWR)! They both won their respective Murray Marathons with amazing times! WAY TO GO!

Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone, near & far!